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Library and Information Science MCQs, Part 5 - Library and Information Management



Library and Information Science MCQs, Part 5

  1. Xerographic process is categorised under
    1. Photographic process
    2. Reflex method
    3. Silver halide process
    4. Electrostatic process

    Answer: b

  2. The ‘Study abroad’ is a/an
      1. Encyclopedia
      2. Year book
      3. Directory
      4. Handbook

    Answer: d

  3. The ‘User Profile’ is a
    1. List of descriptors
    2. List of useful citations
    3. List of users
    4. Statement of user information

    Answer: d

  4. Phoenix schedules are part of
    1. DDC
    2. BC
    3. UDC
    4. LCC

    Answer: a

  5. ‘Universal Bibliographical Control’ is a programme of:
    1. FID
    2. IFLA
    3. UNISIST
    4. ALA

    Answer: b

  6. The standard size of a catalogue card is
    1. 12.5 cm X 7.5 cm
    2. 12 cm X 7 cm
    3. 11 cm X 5 cm
    4. 10 cm X 4 cm

    Answer: a

  7. The standard size of a catalogue card is
    1. 5 inch X 3 inch
    2. 4 inch X 3 inch
    3. 4 inch X 4 inch
    4. 3 inch X 3 inch

    Answer: a

  8. RDA related to
    1. Classification
    2. Cataloguing
    3. Searching
    4. Browsing

    Answer: b

1. Number of devices that are related to recall and precision has been studied by
(A) Gilchrist
(B) Vickery
(C) Lancaster
(D) Ranganathan

2. User studies in Social Sciences was carried out by
(A) Kuhn
(B) Brittain
(C) Line
(D) Allen

3. An entry that is made for the subject of a chapter in a book is referred to as
(A) Cross Reference Entry
(B) Cross Reference Index Entry
(C) Class Index Entry
(D) Book Index Entry

4. The concept of UBC was introduced by
(B) LC

5. In Sears, List of Subject Headings preferred headings are indicated by
(A) Marking them as preferred headings
(B) Printing them in bold type
(C) Underlining them
(D) Italicising them

6. Identify the association that has changed its original name:
(C) LA

7. Conference proceedings are considered as documents.
(A) Conventional
(B) Primary
(C) Secondary
(D) Tertiary

8. Rules for Dictionary Catalogue were devised by:
(A) A. Pannizzi
(B) C. C. Jewet
(C) S. Lubetzky
(D) C. A. Cutter

9. RSS feed is a tool of:
(A) Graphic design
(B) Web 1.0
(C) Web 2.0
(D) Architecture

10. An appropriate source to find out descriptive information is
(A) Bibliography
(B) Directory
(C) Encyclopedia
(D) Dictionary

11. Glossary is a:
(A) List of technical words with definitions
(B) List of words in a language
(C) List of thematically arranged words
(D) Alphabetical index to passages of work

12. One of the following search engines is exclusively meant for scientific information:
(A) Google
(B) Yahoo
(D) Altavista

13. Technological Gatekeeper is :
(A) A formal method of giving current awareness service
(B) A method of technology assessment and evaluation
(C) A process of transfer of technology
(D) An informal mechanism of keeping user informed of relevant development

14. Who among the following honoured with ‘Nobel Prize’ for his substantial contribution in Documentation?
(A) S. C. Bradford
(B) Loosjes
(C) Eric De Grolier
(D) Henri La Fontaine

15. The Farmington plan is associated with:
(A) Library Legislation
(B) Library Cataloguing
(C) Library Cooperation
(D) Library Indexing Service

16. UNESCO assisted Model Public Library in India is located at:
(A) Kolkata
(B) Delhi
(C) Mumbai
(D) Chennai

17. Mark the ‘odd one out’:
(A) Cow-Calf principle
(B) Principle of osmosis
(C) Wall picture principle
(D) Whole organ principle

18. Information is …
(A) Raw data
(B) Raw knowledge
(C) Input data
(D) Organized data

19. ‘Fair use’ is a term most relevant to:
(A) Intellectual Property Rights
(B) Books borrowed for home reading
(C) Copy right
(D) Use of reference books

20. WIPO stands for:
(A) World Information and Patents Organisation
(B) World Intellectual Property Organisation
(C) World International Property Organisation
(D) World Information Protection Organisation

21. Handling of Information in the sense of production is called:
(A) Information Marketing
(B) Information Industry
(C) Information Production
(D) Information Revolution

22. GUI stands for :
(A) Graphic User Interface
(B) Graphic User Interaction
(C) Graphic Utility Interface
(D) Great Union of India

23. Shelf list facilitates
(A) Classification
(B) Weeding out
(C) Stock verification
(D) Documentation

24. The office of Patent Information System in India is at
(A) Mumbai
(B) New Delhi
(C) Kolkata
(D) Nagpur

25. Questionnaire is a:
(A) Research method
(B) Measurement technique
(C) Tool for data collection
(D) Data analysis technique

26. A periodical evaluation of an employee is done through
(A) Job rotation
(B) Performance appraisal
(C) Refresher course
(D) Work guide

27. CCF stands for
(A) Current Classification Format
(B) Current Communication Format
(C) Common Communication Format
(D) Common Classification Format

28. “Controlled Group” is a term used in
(A) Survey research
(B) Historical research
(C) Experimental research
(D) Descriptive research

29. ‘Noise’ in Information Retrieval is due to
(A) Precision
(B) Recall
(C) Relevant information
(D) Redundant information

30. BERN CONVENTION (1886) is concerned with:
(A) Translations
(B) Copyright
(C) Patent
(D) Standards

31. List-I                                                            List-II
(Forms of Communication)                                (Medium)
(A) Communication Barrier                                1. Radio
(B) Communication Medium                               2. Shannon and Weaver
(C) Communication Model                                 3. Formal
(D) Communication Channel                               4. Noise
Code :
(a)         (b)            (c)           (d)
(A)          1           2              3             4
(B)           4          1              2             3
(C)          2           3              4             1
(D)          3           2              1             4

32. Informal communication among knowledgeable person is known as:
(A) Invisible College
(B) Information Gatekeeper
(C) Communication Gatekeeper
(D) Knowledge Management

33. Match the following :
List-I                                                            List-II
(  Terms )                                                            (Forms of Communication)
(A) Invisible College                                             1. Physical carrier
(B) Noise                                                             2. Formal channel
(C) Medium                                                         3. Barreir
(D) Document                                                      4. Informal channel
Code :
(a)         (b)            (c)           (d)
(A)           1          2              3             4
(B)           2          1              3             4
(C)          4           3              2             1
(D)          4           3              1             2

34. Which one of the following is not associated with the communication system?
(A) Receiver
(B) Channel
(C) Sender
(D) Entropy

35. Which is correct logical sequence of the following?
(A)  Information, Knowledge, Data, Wisdom
(B)  Knowledge, Wisdom, Information, Data
(C)  Wisdom, Information, Data, Knowledge
(D)  Data, Infomation, Knowledge, Wisdom

36. The invisible web refers to-
(A)  the internet, since we cannot see it
(B)  that part of the internet, which is hidden from the search engines
(C)  the telecommunication signals which are not seen
(D)  the failure in accessing the web pages

37. Who was the chairman of National Library Committee of India.
(A)   B.S. Jha
(B)  K.P. Sinha
(C)  S. Mudaliar
(D)  C.D. Deshmukh

38. Which organisation applied Library and Information Policy in India at national level.

39. Where is the head quarter of Patent Information System in India.
(A)   Pune
(B)   Mumbai
(C)  Nagpur
(D)  Delhi

40. The act enacted in India in 1856 on Intellectual Property Right was based on .
(A)  American Patent Law 1810
(B)  British Patent Law 1852
(C)  The Patent Bill
(D)  The Design Act of 1911

41. Whether intellectual property can be sold.
(A)  No
(B)  Sale is possible
(C)  Yes
(D)  None of these

42. The term communication came from which language?
(A)  Greek
(B)  Latin
(C)  German
(D)  French

43. Who is the propounder of the term information transfer?
(A)  Ranganathan
(B)  J.Martin
(C)  Beesman
(D)  Calvin Moores

44. To which country the credit is given to coin the term information society ?
(A)  USA
(B)  France
(C)  Japan
(D)  India

45. Today information is regarded as which of the following ?
(A)   Wealth
(B)  Commodity
(C)  Products
(D)  All the above

46. Now a day what is a most important vital resource for societal development of a country?
(A)  Books
(B)  Kowledge
(C)  Information
(D)  Data

47. What is the unit of information?
(A)  Bit
(B)  Byte
(C)  Gram
(D)  Hertz

48. Delivery of Book Act passed in the year
(A) 1963
(B) 1972
(C) 1960
(D) 1954

49. Who is the Father of a Computer
(A) Steve Jobs
(B) Vint Cerf
(C) Tim Berners-Lee
(D) Charles Babbage

50. The concept “Invisible College” first used by:
(A) Eugene Garfield
(B) Derek Solla Price
(C) Allent Kent
(D) Carl Savage

51. Who enunciated the term ‘Hypertext’?
(A) E. Garfield
(B) Bill Gates
(C) Ted Nelson
(D) Raj Reddy

52.  ‘Cranfield Project’ is an example of
(A) Experimental Research
(B) Survey Research
(C) Case Study
(D) Historical Research

53. IFLA took up the “Universal Availability of Publication” program in the year…………
(A) 1973
(B) 1976
(C) 1972
(D) 1970

54. International Information System on Research in Documentation (ISORID) was established by:

55. When Dr.S. R. Ranganathan was appointed as a National research professor of Library Science
(A) 1942
(B) 1962
(C) 1972
(D) 1952

56. Which Indian University first started M.Lib.Sc. & M.Phil courses
(A) University of Delhi
(B) University of Madras
(C) S.N.D.T. Women University, Bombay
(D) Aligar Muslim University

57. Which Commission recommended 10% of the total college budget for development of Libraries?
(A) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan Committee
(B) Mehrotra Committee
(C) Kothari committee
(D) Curriculum development committee in LIS

58. Who gave the sixth law of library science “Every reader his/her freedom”?
(A) Walt Crawford
(B) Michael Gorman
(C) James R. Rettig
(D) Lenart Bjorneborn

59. Who publishes INIS Atom Index?
(A) INIS (Viena)
(B) LC

60. Where was the first library noticed in India?
(A) Taxila
(B) Nalanda
(C) Vallabhi
(D) Sravasti

61. The five laws of Library Science published in the book form in the year

62. Library Techology Report is a publication of
(C) LA

63. ABGILA is a quarterly publication of
(A) Assam Library Association
(B) Andhra Desa Library Association
(C) Indian Library Association
(D) Raja Ram Mohun Roy Foundation

64. Match the following
(A)  American Library Association                    a)1946
(B)The Canadian Library Association                b)1932
(C)Special Libraries Association                       c)1909
D)The Association of Research Libraries         d)1876
(A) c, b,d,a
(B) a,c,d,b
(C) b,a,d,c
(D) d,a,c,b

65.  What is the meaning of E-Documents?
(A) All Documents other than printed
(B) Non-Paper documents
(C ) In electronic form such as Cassettes, CD-ROMs, etc.
(D) Audio visual tools

66. Which of the following is not the document?
(A) Manuscript
(B) Book
(C) Inscription
(D) Periodical

67. Generally the information sources are divided mainly in to following categories?
(A) Primary and secondary.
(B) Reference and information sources.
(C) Documentary and non-documentary
(D) Books and periodicals

68. Which service demands the creation of a ‘user’ profile?
(B) Information retrieval
(D) Reference service

69. “Reference service is the contact between the right reader and the right book in the right personal way” was stated by…
(A) D J Foskett
(B) S R Ranganathan
(C) James I Wyer
(D) A.L.A Glossary of library terms

70. What are non- documentary sources?
(A) Which are in printed form.
(B) Which are in not printed form
(C) Which are nor documents
(D) None of these

71. Today which type of information sources is most useful?
(A) Reference sources
(B) Documentary source
(C) Non- Documentary source
(D) Both the Documentary and Non-Documentary sources

72. Cover to cover translation is treated as
(A) Selective dissemination service
(B) Current awareness services
(C) On demand services
(D) Anticipatory services

73. Abstracting service provides…
(A) Abstract of articles
(B) Whole bibliographic description of articles
(C) Whole bibliographic description along with abstracts of article
(D) Whole bibliographic sources

74. Mobile library is a kind of which service?
(A) Reference service
(B) Extension service
(C) Ready reference service
(D) Long range reference service

75. Sear’s List of Subject Headings (SLSH) is mainly useful for
(A) Small and medium libraries
(B) Special libraries
(C) Academic libraries
(D) College libraries

76. Who enunciated the five fundamental categories
(A) Benjamin A. Custer
(B) Paul Otlet
(C) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan
(D) W. C. Sayers

77. Who enunciated the subject Classification
(A) J. D. Brown
(B) W. C. Sayers
(C) Benjamin A.Custer
(D) Frist Donker Duyvis

78. How many Auxiliary tables are there in DDC 23rd Edition
(A) 16
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) 8

79. Colon classification was first published in
(A) 1905
(B) 1931
(C) 1933
(D) 1944

80. Phoenix schedules are part of which classification
(A) CC

81. The person who provides reference service is called
(A) Chief librarian
(B) Grade One Librarian
(C) Deputy Librarian
(D) Reference Librarian

82. CAS is defined as
(A) A process of dissemination of information
(B) A process of information
(C) A process of dissemination of current information
(D) A simple information service

83. Feedback mechanism is a part of which service?
(A) Reprography service
(C) Translation service

84. Who is the Editor in Chief of 23rd Edition of DDC
(A) Benjamin A. Custer
(B) John P. Comaromi
(C) Winton E. Matthews
(D) John S. Mitchell

85. The term prenatal cataloguing first used by
(A) Michael Gorman
(B) Dr. S.R.Ranganathan
(C) E.B.Ross
(D) Melvin Dewey

86. “POSDCORB” coined by
(A) Peter F. Drucker
(B) Harold Koontz
(C) F.W. Taylor
(D) Luther Gulick

87. When was the different typological study towards mode of formation of subjects done?
(A) 1950
(B) 1960
(C) 1970
(D) 1975

88. In which edition “Auxiliary table for area” was first introduced?
(A) DDC 14
(B) DDC 15
(C) DDC 16
(D) DDC 17

89. What does LED stands for in CC?
(A) Latest Energy Developments
(B) Latest Effective Decade
(C) Large Energy Distribution
(D) Lowest Effective Decade

90. When Peter F. Drucker defined M.B.O. (Management by Objectives) ?
(A) 1950
(B) 1960
(D) 1964

91. Who said the demand and supply theory of books?
(A) Melvil Dewey
(B) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan
(C) Mc Colvin
(D) Sayers

92. Who devised Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) System?
(A) Melville Dewey
(B) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan
(C) Tim Berners-Lee
(D) Vint Cerf

93. Periodicity of IASLIC Bulletin is?
(A) Quarterly
(B) Monthly
(C) Half- Yearly
(D) Annual

94. Call Number of a Book Means
(A) Book Number
(B) Class Number
(C) Both (A) and (B) are true
(D) None of the above

95. Zero Base Budgeting system was propounded by
(A) Peter F. Drucker
(B) P.N. Kaula
(C) E.Mayo
(D) Pter Phyrr

96. When Zero Base Budgeting system was first prepared
(B) 1960
(D) 1980

97. Posting the right person at the right place is called ________
(A) Recruitment
(B) Coaching
(C) Deployment
(D) Induction

98. Sheets before and after the text of a book are called _________. .
A. End papers
B. Attach cover
C Head bands
D Gilding

99. TQM is a system of continuous improvement employing participative management and centered on needs of the ________
(A) Customers
(B) Staff
(C) Organization
(D) Government

100.Financial support given to libraries are of two types (i) Recurring and(ii)………
(A) Ad-hoc
(B) Endowments
(C) Annual
(D) Non-recurring
1) Answer: (C)
2) Answer: (A)
3) Answer: (A)
4) Answer: (A)
5) Answer: (B)
6) Answer: (C)
7) Answer: (B)
8) Answer: (D)
9) Answer: (C)
10) Answer: (C)
11) Answer: (A)
12) Answer: (C)
13) Answer: (D)
14) Answer: ()*
15) Answer: ()*
16) Answer: (B)
17) Answer: (C)
18) Answer: (D)
19) Answer: (C)
20) Answer: (B)
21) Answer: (B)
22) Answer: (A)
23) Answer: (C)
24) Answer: (B)*
25) Answer: (C)
26) Answer: (B)
27) Answer: (C)
28) Answer: (C)*
29) Answer: (D)
30) Answer: (B)
31) Answer: (B)
32) Answer: (A)
33) Answer: (C)
34) Answer: (D)
35) Answer: (D)
36) Answer: (B)
37) Answer: (A)
38) Answer: (D)
39) Answer: (C)
40) Answer: (B)
41) Answer: (B)
42) Answer: (B)
43) Answer: (C)
44) Answer: (C)
45) Answer: (D)
46) Answer: (C)
47) Answer: (A)
48) Answer: (D)
49) Answer: (D)
50) Answer: (A)*
51) Answer: (C)
52) Answer: (A)
53) Answer: (B)
54) Answer: (C)
55) Answer: (B)
56) Answer: (A)
57) Answer: (C)
58) Answer: (C)
59) Answer: (A)
60) Answer: (D)
61) Answer: (B)
62) Answer: (A)
63) Answer: (C)
64) Answer: (D)
65) Answer: (C)
66) Answer: (C)
67) Answer: (C)
68) Answer: (C)
69) Answer: (B)
70) Answer: (B)
71) Answer: (C)
72) Answer: (B)
73) Answer: (C)
74) Answer: (B)
75) Answer: (A)
76) Answer: (C)
77) Answer: (A)
78) Answer: (B)
79) Answer: (C)
80) Answer: (B)
81) Answer: (D)
82) Answer: (C)
83) Answer: (D)
84) Answer: (D)
85) Answer: (B)
86) Answer: (D)
87) Answer: (A)
88) Answer: (D)
89) Answer: (B)
90) Answer: (C)
91) Answer: (C)
92) Answer: (A)
93) Answer: (A)
94) Answer: (C)
95) Answer: (D)
96) Answer: (C)
97) Answer: (A)
98) Answer: (A)
99) Answer: (C)
100) Answe:(B)



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