(1) Intellectual property means?
A. Books
B. All reading material
C. Intellectual thoughts
D. All of the above
(2) … Law of Library Science stated by S.R. Ranganathan relates to the growth of libraries …
A. Fourth law
If. First law
C. Second law
D. Fifth law
(3) American Library Association was established in …
A. 1876
B. 1872
C. 1875
D. 1880
(4) The term coined by S.R. Ranganathan for mobile libraries was …
A. Moving library
B. Library on wheels
C. Library machine
D. All of the above
(5) Which Library was established under the first two Ptolemies early in the third century BC:
A. Alexandria Library
B. Patriarchal Library
C. Macedonia Library
D. Pergamum Library
(6) Most commonly used script in the world is:
A. Cyrillic
B. Tibetan
C. Hebrew
D. Roman
(7) The first systematic training for Librarians in India was started by:
A. Asa Don Dickinson
B. K.M. Asad-ullah
C. S.R. Ranganathan
D. W.A. Borden
(8) When the Asa Don Dickinson, an American Librarian started Library Science certificate course at university level in the subcontinent in Lahore:
A. 1858
B. 1885
C. 1915
D. 1935
(9) How many branches PLA has?
A. Four
B. Five
C. Six
D. Seven
(10) The British Library is at:
A. Boston
B. Edinburgh
C. London
D. Oxford