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Student Corner Archives - Library and Information Management


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Alternative websites for OCLC Classify

Library of Congress University of British Columbia Library | UBC University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan National Library of Pakistan Punjab Union Catalogue, Pakistan IndCat- Online Union Catalogue of Indian Universities DDC Summary (First Summary and Second Summary) LUMS- Gad…

Student Corner

Characteristics of a Librarian

Now a days, many students interested to get a degree in Library and Information Science. They may want to know the characteristics of a librarian to determine whether the career is right for them. There are quite a few qualities…

PPSC LIS Lecturer Interview questions 2020

Introduction, define your self Current job/Experience, Teaching experience Virtual library and digital library References and bibliography Card catalogue and Marc Indexing and abstracting Impact factor Websites,What is .com, Commercial website DDC Numbers Wikipedia Evaluation of resources, Information literacy LIS Journals…

How APA 7th is different from APA 6th

This video explains how APA 7th edition is different and updated from its previous 6th edition.

How to give citations within text, learn giving references within text according to APA

This video explains how you can give citations or references within text while writing your paper or thesis according to APA Using In-text Citation Include an in-text citation when you refer to, summarize, paraphrase, or quote from another source. For…

Choice of Access Points According to AACR2

This video explains what can be the access points of an information material according to AACR2.

Metadata and Dublin Core

The Dublin Core schema is a small set of vocabulary terms that can be used to describe digital resources (video, images, web pages, etc.) Read More

Cataloguing: choice of access points:

Cataloguing: choice of access points: how to give access to mixed responsibility information sources This video explains access points in cataloguing, how we assign to information sources and what are the rules according to AACR2 Click here for MCQs Click…

How to Best Use Google for Research & Term Papers | Google Scholar & Google Tricks

Are you a high school, college or Grad School student? Learn all the inside tips and tricks for better using Google Search for your research! We dig into Google Scholar and how to use it with very advanced searches to…

Google Scholar Tips and Tricks: How to use Google Scholar for academic research

ریسرچ ارٹیکل اورتعلیمی مقالہ لکھنے کے لیے گوگل سکالر سے رہنما ئی حاصل کرنے کا مکمل طریقہ Google Scholar Tips & Tricks 2020: How to Use Google Scholar for Writing Research Paper and thesis

Urdu Names Cataloguing Rules

This video explains how we can give access points for Urdu names, the presentation credit goes to Chief Librarian Muhammad Usmani Click here for MCQs Click here for Jobs

Applied Cataloguing: How to give catalog description in Physical description area, series area

Explanation of how to develop catalogue through AACR2 #DescriptiveCataloguing #PhysicalDescriptionArea #NoteArea #SeriesArea

15 Methods to search Google 95% of the People Don’t Aware About |گوگل کو سرچ# کرنے کے 15 طریقے

Creator: Nadeem Sohail گوگل# کو سرچ# کرنے کے 15 ایسے طریقے# 95% لوگ# جن سے واقف# نہیں 15 #Methods to #Search #Google 95% of the #People Don’t #Aware #About #Google is a #Powerful #Search #Engine and #Helpto #people in #searching…

Qualitative research: Learn how to conduct phenomenological approach

Creator: Dr. Syeda Hina Batool In this video you will learn about one of the significant qualitative research approach phenomenology. This video will provide brief overview of phenomenological approach, its’ features, data collection and data analysis technique Click here for…

Five Laws of Library Science

The 5 Laws of Library Science is a theory proposed by S. R. Ranganathan in 1931, detailing the principles of operating a library system. Five laws of library science are called the set of norms, percepts, and guides to good practice in…


Basic MARC Tags Tags Tag Name 010  Library of Congress Control Number 020  International Standard Book Number 022  International Standard Serial Number 082  Dewey Decimal Call Number 100  Main Entry  Personal Name 110  Main Entry  Corporate Name 130 Main Entry-…

Student Corner

Paper Attempt Skills -By Qasim Ali Shah | In Urdu

In this video, Qasim Ali Shah talking about on the topic PAPER ATTEMPT SKILLS. He is sharing his wisdom, knowledge and experience that will be helpful for all students to get higher marks in their exams. Qasim Ali Shah is…

OCLC Dewey Cutter Program Download

The Dewey Cutter Program is a software program that automatically provides cutter numbers from the OCLC Four-Figure Cutter Tables (Cutter Four-Figure Table and Cutter-Sanborn Four-Figure Table) upon input of text. It works with most Windows versions, and enhances your classification…

DDC Summary

First Summary The Ten Main Classes 000 Computer science, information & general works 100 Philosophy & psychology 200 Religion 300 Social sciences 400 Language 500 Science 600 Technology 700 Arts & recreation 800 Literature 900 History & geography Second Summary…

How To Use EndNote in 7 Minutes (Windows Version)

There are several ways to add a reference to a library: manually, or by exporting, importing, copying from another EndNote library, or connecting from EndNote. The program presents the user with a window containing a dropdown menu from which to…