________ is an important record of books, which shows the position of any book on the shelves.
(A) Bay Guide
(B) Authority File
(C) Accession List.
(D) Shelf List
Answer: (D)
Books lost from the library are known through ________
(A) Stock verification
(B) Charging and discharging
(C) Shelf list
(D) Accession Register
Answer: (A)
LA is the Library Association of
(A) Manipur
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Great Britain
(D) Canada.
Answer: (C)
User education may be provided in four interrelated areas which are
(A) User’s awareness, user studies, library orientation, bibliographic instruction
(B) User’s awareness, library orientation, inter-profiling, bibliographic instruction
(C) Aptitude test of the users, use of cataloguing, inter-profiling, user’s awareness
(D) Bibliographic instruction, library orientation, computer literacy, user’s awareness.
Answer: (A)
‘Fair use’ is the norm for determining the legality of
(A) Producing the second edition of a book
(B) Photocopying an entire book
(C) Making available a book to another library on inter-library loan
(D) Prescribing a book as a text book.
Answer: (B)
Generally a reference service of a library in the conventional form is processed through the stages which are
(A) Preparation, service, assimilation
(B) Indexing, orientation, delivery of the query’s reply
(C) Orientation, user’s study, photocopy supplied
(D) Preparation, orientation, delivery of the query’s reply.
Answer: (A)
________ is a process of helping employees in an organization to acquire new skills and competence on a continuing basis
(A) Total Quality Management
(B) Management Information System
(C) Financial Resources Development
(D) Human Resources Development.
Answer: (A)
On which of the following technologies semantic web is not based?
(B) Ontologies
(C) Cloud seeding
Answer: (C)
The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) belongs to ____________________
(A) Second Generation Computers
(B) Third Generation Computers
(C) Fourth Generation Computers
(D) Fifth Generation Computers
Answer: (D)
Computer memory is measured in ____________________
(A) Bytes
(B) Kilobytes
(C) Megabytes
(D) All of the above
Answer: (D)
What are three types of basic languages used in computer programming?
(A) Zero, low and high levels
(D) Machine, Assembly and high level languages
Answer: (D)
When CD-ROM was prepared and made?
(A) 1985
(B) 1982
(C) 1980
(D) 1977
Answer: (A)
Which of the following software is useful for word processing?
(C) WordStar
Answer: (C)
What is a bug?
(A) Computer Virus
(B) Error in Computer Configuration
(C) Error in a Programme
(D) None of these
Answer: (C)
Which is not a programming language?
Answer: (D)
ISO-9960 is related with?
(A) Standard for encoding data on CD-ROM
(B) Standard for Computer Hardware
(C) Standard for Information Processing
(D) Standard for Networking
Answer: (A)
ASCII has how many codes?
(A) 256
(B) 526
(C) 265
(D) 254
Answer: (A)
Raw, unevaluated, unprocessed and unorganized facts is known as:
(A) Data
(B) Information
(C) Knowledge
(D) Wisdom
Answer: (A)
Information retrieval is fastest from
(A) Floppy Disk
(B) Magnetic Tape
(C) Hard Disk
(D) None of the above
Answer: (C)
In which of the following the term “Truncation” is used
(A) Budgeting
(B) Search Formulation
(C) Coordination
(D) Classified bibliography
Answer: (B)
The CD alphabets in CDS/ISIS stands for
(A) Computerized Documentation
(B) Condensed Disk
(C) Confirmed Disc
(D) Compact Disc
Answer: (A)
Electronic telecommunications system joining millions of computers together.
(A) E-mail
(B) Internet
(C) US Mail
Answer: (B)
Following is not a social bookmarking site:
(A) Digg
(B) Delicious
(C) Sqidoo
(D) Facebook
Answer: (C)
Following is not a network protocol:
(D) Z39.50
Answer: (D)
Identify the odd one from the following:
(A) Koha
(C) SLIM++
Answer: (A)
Following is not a Web 2.0 tool:
(A) Blog
(B) Facebook
(D) RSS feeds
Answer: (C)
Following is an example of microblogging:
(A) WordPress
(B) Blogspot
(C) Livejournal
(D) Twitter
Answer: (D)
Now-a-days how many types of Protocol are used ?
(A) 5
(B) 4
(C) 3
(D) 2
Answer: (D)
Which type of protocol is used by interface for public data network (PDN)?
(A) X.25
(B) X.12
(C) X.13
(D) X.20
Answer: (A)
Resource sharing is a part of …
(A) Library cooperation
(B) Library administration
(C) Library management
(D) Library cataloguing
Answer: (A)
Virtua accommodates Different version of the MARC Standard?
(D) SWEMARC/All of above
Answer: (D)
Which is the journal of Library and Information Science?
(A) Abacus
(B) Acta numerica
(C) Interlending and Document supply
(D) All of above
Answer: (C)
What is APS?
(A) A Search Engine?
(B) A Full-text e-resource
(C) Bibliographic database
(D) Library Management Software
Answer: (B)
Questionnaire is a :
(A) Research method
(B) Measurement Technique
(C) Tool for data collection
(D) All the above
Answer: (C)