Dr. Khalid Mahmood Information, Education and Research Research Videos

Why to write and publish a journal article [Urdu / Hindi] | Prof. Khalid Mahmood

Why do you write: ◘ You have a research grant and must publish the results of your research ◘ You want a job or a promotion ◘ You are a student and have to publish to get a degree ◘ You want to disseminate your work or research findings to a particular audience ◘ You want your research to have political, social, or scientific implications for change ◘ You want to contribute to intellectual discussion or scientific debate ◘ You want to generate new knowledge ◘ You are passionate about your subject area and are compelled to write Publish or perish: Why do you publish in a journal: ◘ To improve your work by peer review ◘ To preserve your work in the permanent records in your field ◘ To give your work more visibility جرنل کا مضمون کیوں لکھیں اور شائع کریں؟ [اردو / ہندی] जर्नल लेख लिखना और प्रकाशित करना क्यों? [उर्दू / हिंदी]