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Research Archives - Library and Information Management



Which Journals Are HEC Recognized? [Urdu] | Prof. Khalid Mahmood

This video explains journal recognition policy of the Pakistan Higher Education Commission (HEC). Covers policies for international and local journals. Shows important letters regarding HEC recognized journals. HJRS Website​​ HEC Recognized Journals…​ Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities, Business…

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Basic steps to write research proposal [Tips, Techniques and Components]

How one can write research proposal, this video explains all basic steps of writing synopsis. It further explains how we define a synopsis. Proposal should consists of how many words. How to make proposal table of contents. How to write…

Limitations, delimitations and assumptions in research [Differences with Examples]

This video explains what are limitations, delimitations and assumptions in research. What are the differences among all these concepts. All concepts explain with examples and helpful for researchers and scholars. For more readings consult following sources…​ Creswell, J.W. (2012). Educational…

Dr. Khalid Mahmood Information, Education and Research Research

How to Publish Your Research [English] | Prof. Khalid Mahmood

Webinar at University of Education on ‘How to publish your research. Topics include: a case of Professor Khalid Mahmood, scholarly publishing, writing for publishing, finding publishing avenues, article submission and review process, publishing process, from thesis to journal articles, from…

learn how to conduct content analysis: research method

This video will explain about how you can use content analysis as a research method or an analysis method, what are the steps in doing content analysis and what are the different types of content analysis

How to ensure rigour in qualitative research

How to ensure rigour in qualitative research [quality, trustworthiness and examples] This video explains how we can ensure quality or rigour in qualitative research. Criteria to judge trustworthiness is based on four aspects such as credibility, transferability, confirmability and dependability….

Why to write and publish a journal article [Urdu / Hindi] | Prof. Khalid Mahmood

Why do you write: ◘ You have a research grant and must publish the results of your research ◘ You want a job or a promotion ◘ You are a student and have to publish to get a degree ◘…

Sampling in Qualitative Research [Snowball, Purposive, Convenience]

Research Tube This video explains sampling criteria and strategies in qualitative research. 00.34 Purposive sampling introduction and explanation, it involves selected rich information cases 1.09 Heterogenous sample, Homogenous sample selection 1.51 For hidden population use Snowball sampling, also use convenience…

Qualitative VS Quantitative: Role of Researcher

This video explains the difference between qualitative and quantitative research designs, more it will explain the different role of qualitative and quantitative researcher.

Difference between conceptual and theoretical framework

This video explains difference between conceptual and theoretical frameworks and their application in research.

Qualitative research: Learn how to conduct phenomenological approach

Creator: Dr. Syeda Hina Batool In this video you will learn about one of the significant qualitative research approach phenomenology. This video will provide brief overview of phenomenological approach, its’ features, data collection and data analysis technique Click here for…